Thursday, 2 February 2012

Apps Technical Interview Questions

            1) How to delete duplicate rows?
            2) What is cursor what is the different types of cursors?
            3) What is exception and what are different type’s exceptions?
            4) What is others exception?
            5) How to raise user defined exceptions?
            6) In a procedure I have one select stmt that is not retrieving any rows and I have predefined NO_DATA_FOUND exception and user defined no_data_found then which error will raise first?
            7) What is materialized view?
            8) Can we update a view?
            9) What are the types of joins and what is outer join?
            10) How will you mention outer join?
            11) What is autonomous transaction?
            12) What is purpose of autonomous transaction?
            13) How to find how many ‘a’ are there in the specified string ‘aasfdhhjkgjaaaa’?
            14) What is LSTRING?
            15) What are the error codes u faced frequently in your experience?
            16) What is primary key?
            17) I want to specify 5 columns in a table as NOTNULL and UNIQUE how to do that?
            18) What are database triggers? How many types of database triggers are there?
            19) When a specific row in a table is updated then I want to insert that row into another table how to do that by using the trigger?
            20) What is %row type and %type?
            21) I have declare a variable x as emp%rowtype and I have passed a value ‘10’ in run time then is it work successfully if not what error you will get?
            22) How you will do performance tuning?
            23) What are the forms u developed?
            24) What are the types in master details forms?
            25) What are the procedures that will gets created when a master details form created?
            26) How call a form from another form in apps?
            27) What are the triggers that will fire when the cursor moves from master form to detail forms?
            28) I want to validate a field not to enter wrong data how to that in forms/
            29) What is when validate item trigger?
            30) What is the trigger firing sequence in forms?
            31) I have developed a form on a complex view now I want to insert on that view is it possible? If not how to do that?
            32) What are the work flows you have developed and customized?
            33) How you have sent your message to preparer?
            34) What are the parameters you pass to a function in work flow?
            35) What is role?
            36) What are the interfaces you have done?

            37) What is FILLER in sql*loader?
            38) What are the validations you have done in gl interface?
            39) What are the conversions you have done?
            40) What is procedure to do a conversion?
            41) What is the concurrent program name for customer conversion?
            42) What are the tables you have used in customer &vendor conversions?
            43) What is the links between these tables?
            44) Where will you write plsql code in reports?
            45) Where will you execute your plsql code in reports i.e. in which trigger?
            46) In a report if we enter any parameters that time the report should not run? How to do that? In which trigger you will write the code?
            47) How will you do debugging in reports?
            48) What is report tuning?
            49) What are the different procedures available in srw.package?
            50) What is user exit?
            51) What is lexical and bind parameters?
            52) What is token?
            53) What are the precautions you will take while customizing a report?
            54) If I run a report values like profiles have to store in different table how to do that where will you write the code (In which trigger)?