Thursday 2 February 2012

Forms Interview Questions

1) When we open the form what are the triggers will be fired?
2) What are trigger level? What is the sequence of triggers sequence firing? How to override that sequence?
3) What are the types of canvases we have?
4) What is default Canvas and diff between Stacked and Content? When we will use stacked canvas?
5) How to develop Tabular forms in D2k? 6) What is Pre-query and Post-Query trigger and what is the diff?
7) While developing whether we will tables or views? If view how to handle the Non updatable views and how to write the code to the to update the views?
8) What are property clauses and visual attributes?
9) What is diff between PC and VA? How to call VA dynamically?
10) Can we write the triggers on Property clause?
11) What is the diff between CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM, NEW_FORM?
12) What are the ways we can call the report from the form?
13) What is the diff between PRE-FORM and WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE?
14) Can we create table through form if so how?
15) What is the form Prameters? How to pass parameters?
16) What is the diff between standard procedure and form procedure?
17) What are the object groups?
18) What is the diff between Library and Package?
19) How to change form layout dynamically?
20) What are the ways we can generate .fmx?
21) If cursor transfer from one text item to another text item then what is the trigger sequence fire?
22) What are the areas we can use object groups?
23)When we create Master detail form what are the triggers will gets created and at what level and what are the names and what is the functionalities?
24) What are the types of relation ships and what is the diff?

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